PT. INTINUSA NIAGA ABADI (INNA, is a trading company of Agricultural industry based on Indonesia.
Our Source are from the most trusted and High Profile Producer, and the better news are that we are not just delivering palm products, we also delivering Funds.
Sustainability is a priority for us, and this includes being careful about where we source our ingredients.
PT Intinusa Niaga Abadi (INNA) has extensive network within Indonesian Palm Oil Industry and Farmers and are able to provide sourcing for palm products, lauric products, biomas energy and meal for feedlot, herbs & spices.
To advance agricultural economy within our Homeland.
Being honest, fair and trusted business partner
Exceeding customer expectations, whilst ensuring quality of its products
Ensuring long-term sustainable growth and value creation for all stakeholders
We Only Do Right Things Right
Collaboration between nature and people will provide the entire world.